Tadpoles Text Generator & Decode
Tadpole character is a special character encoding, very cool character. Let your express full of mystery!
We can say: I Love You in Tadpoles Text like: /۫ۤ۠ۖۢۛۢۗ۟ۜۖۢۚۢ۟۟ۖۙۡ۠ۚ۠ۖ۬ۢۘۤۡ cool, isnt it?
Tadpoles Text Generator & Decode online tool make your words in vertical line in one letter width and in one line height, the tail of Tadpoles is very long and high in length. with Tadpoles text, you can make sentence like secret code. you can also decode Tadpoles Text with our tool.
If you're loving a man, to him (her) to declare they do not want too many people to know! Fast encode it using tadpoles! Lovely vivid tadpoles, a single vertical line upward. Meng Meng after the black spots have a small tail, the shape of a swimming tadpoles.
Enter the text content conversion are an upward out of the text, special characters can not read graphics recognition. It also gave a special mystique tadpoles, only with our matching tadpoles translator to convert translated into the original text. Combination of a number of groups like the text into tadpoles, let others guess
So use it for ciphers and mysterious transfer information to a friend is a very unique way. Even if you put the letter in the open micro blogging, other people saw is not recognized, only the other side know that our mysterious decoder to read your words.
Note, twitter can only accept 140 characters, so try to encode a short words in twitter. Facebook has no such issue.